Note : Please make payment of Rs. 250 (Junior Level) / Rs 500 (Senior Level) for Registration Form and submit details in online Registration Form.
Online Payment
1) Deposit Rs Amount in any branch of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur in account of Coordinator, National Accounting Talent Search (Account No 61060736681), No bank charges are to be paid.
2) Send a Demand Draft in Favour of Coordinator, National Accounting Talent Search
payable at Udaipur Rajasthan and send it to
Prof G Soral, Coordinator,National Accounting Talent Search, Department of Accountancy and Statistics, UCCMS, Mohanlal Sukhadia University,Udaipur- 313 001 Rajasthan
3) You can make payment online via Dabit-card/Credit Card and NetBanking, We accept all banks cards.